Thursday, November 5, 2009

Triple-Corn Spoon Bread and Fancy Grilled Cheese

Corn Casserole

Sometimes I have brilliant ideas. When I made my grocery list for the week I saw Jiffy mix was on sale (as if it's normally expensive!) and what I grew up calling "corn casserole" came to mind. Oh, corn casserole, I love you. You are super sweet and make a great side dish next to baked ham. You make my holiday meals complete.

I wasn't planning on ham and it isn't a holiday, but I figured it would be good enough on its own with a side salad or some green beans. So, I put it on the list. If anything it's a cheap meal.

Turned out to be the best idea I had all week. Tuesday I had a sewing class and tonight I'm off to a happy hour so the leftovers have REALLY come in handy.

Last night, I was fed up of corn casserole, so I made "fancy grilled cheese," which was extra sharp cheddar, bacon and pear. DELICIOUS! It was salt, sweet, cheesy.. perfection. It's my new favorite grilled cheese.


Pear and Bacon Grilled Cheese

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