Monday, November 16, 2009

Fast food

Rotisserie Chicken, Cornbread Stuffing and Green Beans

Sometimes, as healthy as I prefer to eat, I cheat. I get lazy. I choose something simple just for the sake of having dinner on the table. I'm human.

I'm sure everyone can relate at some point.

Having taken Saturday to recover from my sister's wedding, I lounged around yesterday downloading photos from my camera and uploading them to flickr for my family to see. Before I knew it, it was nearly 5 p.m. and I hadn't stopped at the store to pick up groceries for the week and I still needed to check on my parents' dog.

I made it to the grocery store around 7 p.m., tired and hungry. Besides getting what was on my list, I ended up with frozen green beans, a rotisserie chicken, and cornbread stuffing from a box that was on an endcap. I pulled together a quick gravy with chicken stock, too. Not the most inspired meal, but good enough -- and it even looked pretty.

Now that things have calmed down and I'm caught up on my chores, I'll be back to my regular routine. Hope everyone's having a great Monday!

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