Wednesday, November 25, 2009

From the Archives: Stuffing-Topped Chicken Thighs

Stuffing-Topped Chicken Thighs

This week has flown by! I can't believe it's already Wednesday.

I took the night off from cooking last night by making a fried egg sandwich with center cut bacon and low fat cheddar cheese. Deliciousness. I didn't snap a picture because a.) I make them all the time and b.) something sooo simple almost isn't blogworthy.

But I didn't want to leave you hanging, so here's one from the archives to get you ready for Thanksgiving: Stuffing Topped Chicken Thighs and Creamy Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

I remember not really digging the mashed potatoes, but the stuffing topped chicken was great, especially if you're like me and LOVE a good Thanksgiving-inspired meal.

Tomorrow I'll be up in Cleveland at my sister's house for the Eating Olympics Thanksgiving. We're having all the usual suspects: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad and rolls. I'm sure there'll also be pumpkin pie. Besides eating, drinking and probably some napping I'm sure there will be some marathon Wii tournaments — it wouldn't be a family gathering without it.

What are your plans for the holiday?

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

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