Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mediterranean Chicken Stew

Mediterranean Chicken Stew

Sorry for the absence. This really has been the worst month. The boyfriend (of more than two years) broke up with me last week with no warning. It took a few days to get my bearings.

Unfortunately, the camera was his, so I'm still looking for a photo solution. If I have to do a few reruns, I will. I'm sure not everyone has seen every recipe I've ever shared.

Pantry-based meals are going to be even more important these next few months. I went to the store today and bought stuff for lasagna and beef stew and the fixins for pumpkin pie oatmeal and some hummus and carrots/crackers for snack and still spent $47. It did a double-take in the checkout lane. I couldn't believe it.

Earlier last week I made Mediterranean Chicken Stew. It wasn't anything fantastic, but it wasn't bad, either. Just OK. I made it because it's super cheap and relies on pantry stables like garbanzo beans and kalamata olives and corn meal. But the flavor was just average. It might have been better if I had fresh parsley, but I was out.

I miss having money for groceries.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hang in there. Things will get better.