Thursday, May 3, 2007

Leftover use up roundup

That's a lot of "ups" in one line. But that's kind of what it has been for me today. I'm nearing the end of my grocery week and, as usual, am emptying out the veggie drawer and finding ways to use them before they go bad.

Veggie leftovers: celery, carrots, red pepper, red onion, one baked potato
Fruit leftovers: grapes (from two weeks ago I think..)
Random other leftovers: Refried beans (yay!), and ff/sf chocolate pudding (from a TOM chocolate attack), ff sour cream, ff plain yogurt

So, for lunch I made the baked potato with the beans, salsa, and sour cream. Which I planned to do anyhow. I added an apple and pudding, though. For dinner I made chicken salad. I made a whole bunch of it so there'd be leftovers for lunch tomorrow and dinner.

Chicken Salad
Makes about 4 cups

1/2 cup ff mayo
1/2 cup ff plain yogurt
2 cooked chicken breasts
2 large stalks of celery
2 medium carrots, shredded
1 cup of grapes, sliced in half
2 medium scallions
1/4 tsp ginger root
salt and pepper (b/c I put that in EVERYTHING)

Mix it all together and chill. Serve in mini pitas for a Core +1 recipe.

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