Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Walnuts and Cinnamon

Walnut-Stuffed Eggplant

I made a mistake tonight. I took the time to pet the possibly stray cat that hangs out near my apartment. Who knew it would follow me? It followed me up the stairs and right to my door. It must've smelled Bella because it sniffed the door and laid down on the doormat.

I felt so mean, but I had to keep sprinkling water on it to get it to leave my doorway. I tried to shoo it away so I could get through the door, but it wouldn't budge. For the health and safety of my own cat, I had to do it. I felt awful shooing it away, but I was afraid it would get in my apartment and introduce disease to my cat or worse -- physically hurt her. I felt so awful. Even once I got through the door it laid on my doormat for a while. Bella could totally tell. She wouldn't leave the front door alone.

Oh well.

I distracted myself by making dinner. My theme this week is apparently walnuts and cinnamon because these ingredients made it in not one, but two dinners.

First, the one I liked. Walnut-Stuffed Eggplant. Oh man, this was good. Maybe it's because I was starving or because I had a glass of white wine on an empty stomach while I cooked. But this was really, really good. Possibly my new favorite way to eat eggplant.. second only to traditional eggplant Parmesan. The eggplant was super creamy and the tomato softened up, too. And the crunchy toasted walnuts = heaven. The cinnamon wasn't overpowering, either. It was just subtly in the background. It's a meatless meal where I swear you won't miss the meat. It was a bit fussy for a weeknight, but in the end it was really worth it.

Cranberry Chicken with Walnuts

The chicken dish I made last night, though, was a dish where the cinnamon was a bit overpowering. I used less oil and walnuts and swapped pomegranate-cranberry juice for just cranberry juice. It was just OK and I doubt following the recipe to the letter would have helped. It was a little better today as leftovers, but still just average. Especially compared to stuffed eggplant tonight.

I think I'll be looking forward to lunch tomorrow!

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