Monday, November 1, 2010

Cleaning out the pantry

I admit. I haven't been making a lot of new recipes lately. I guess that's why I haven't posted much. Ramen stir fry is not post-worthy.

I've also been working. Working a lot.

Because I don't have any meals to share, I'll share what I've been up to on a recent lazy Sunday afternoon: Cleaning the pantry.

I have one of the best pantry spaces I've ever seen for an apartment complex. My last apartment had three cabinets and no pantry. I used my linen closet as my pantry, which was in my hallway. It was not convenient.

Now, I'm spoiled.

I have so much space, that it sometimes gets a bit out of control. I decided when it was time for a cleaning when I couldn't find a place to store my groceries.

Side by Side

And in case it's kind of small.... more detail.

Top rows:
Top rows

Middle rows:
Middle rows

Bottom rows:
Bottom rows

So. Much. Better.

Now that it's clean it's time for me to get back in the kitchen.

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