Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Stepping away from the Girl Scout cookies

I haven't posted much because I haven't been cooking. Instead, I seem to be subsisting on Girl Scout cookies alone. And the occaisonal fried egg, because they're yummy. I told DBF last night (as I scarfed a sleeve.. yes.. a SLEEVE of shortbread cookies) that I really should stop buying my favorite Girl Scout cookies. He says, "As opposed to what, buying ones you don't like?" I bet he thought there wasn't such a cookie. But really, I don't care for Tagalongs much. I used to have a deep-seated hatred for peanut butter. Especially peanut butter cookies. Go figure. Anyhow. He wanted to know the point in buying a kind I don't like. Reason being, I'm a sucker for a cause. I am, afterall, a lifetime Girl Scout (no joke, I paid the dues) and who am I to deny those cute little girls a trip to summer camp? So that's it. Next year I'm totally buying Tagalongs. Only those and nothing else. But I'll probably find a way to down those as well. Sigh.

So now I'm disgusted with my cookie eating behavior and back to the old CORE® bandwagon. My lunch this week: Summer Corn and White Bean Soup. And yes, I know it's not summer. But frozen corn works just as well. Seriously. Not a fantastic soup, but it fills up my stomach and tastes good. Nothing to gush over, but good nonetheless. And of course my lunch is never complete without two cups of romaine lettuce and piece of fruit.

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