Today's Menu
Finally, I had the long-awaited sandwich. It was so good that, well, my cat Bella wanted a bite. That's her in the background. And yes, she's on the kitchen table. While I was taking the picture I was actually yelling at her to get down, but it wasn't working very well. I actually think that's her turning around after I sternly told her I wasn't going to share the sandwich. Oh well.
The sandwich was excellent. I used Hormel's new natural ham and light mayo, dijon mustard, and baby spinach. On 100% whole wheat bread that although two slices is 3 pts, it makes a more satisfying sandwich than light bread. I could use only one slice, which is 1 pt, but it makes for a tiny sandwich that makes me automatically think--this is all I get? Besides.. tomorrow's dinner turns out to be only 4 pts for two servings (I suspect a "serving" is only half a cup or less.. but we'll see how much it really makes). So I'll have 19 pts leftover after a blow out dinner planned for Sunday (19 pts possibly?). More on that one later...
The king of all ham least when you don't have long to make it!
The afternoon snack this week has been Creamy Hummus. It's VERY garlicky and I even cut some of it out. Its so bad.. er I mean TASTY.. it almost burns your mouth with garlic. I think I'm going to experiment with roasting my own garlic and then using the roasted garlic instead. Roasted garlic should have a sweeter, mellower flavor that should make my favorite homemade hummus even better. Store-bought seriously pales in comparison. Plus homemade is cheaper. Much cheaper. I think the beans cost a whopping $1.12, tops. The tahini is in a huge jar for $5. I've made maybe 4 or 5 batches from that jar and each batch makes a ton. So, it totally kicks the store bought's butt. BTW: I cut that recipe in half every time. If you make the entire recipe.. you'll eat nothing but hummus for a month. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Dragon-breath inducing hummus with baby carrots and mug of Twinings Darjeeling tea.
And it's a new mug.. for Kim's benefit. Courtesy of the cupboard at work. Also take note of the pile o' work that it's sitting on. And I wonder how all of my papers end up with coffee and tea rings on them. Honestly.. I have NO idea how they get there.